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00:REM: BitMap Biscuits 

by Judy McIntosh

10: 2 cups flour
20: 3 teaspoons baking powder
30: 2 teaspoons sugar
40: 1/4 teaspoon salt
50: 1/2 cup shortening
60: 2/3 cup milk

70: READ: Stir flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in to bowl
75: READ: Cut in shortening
80: READ: Mix until mixture is crumbly
85: READ: Add milk
90: READ: Stir until dough clings together
95: READ: Knead gently, roll to about 1/2 inch thick
96: READ: Cut and place on un-greased baking sheet

100: REM: Bake at 450 until golden brown (about 15 minutes)



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