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00:REM:MATRIX Meringues

by Susan Sackett

10: 3 egg whites
15: 9 tablespoon sugar
20: 1/2 teaspoon vanilla OR
25: 1 teaspoon lemon juice

30: READ: Beat egg whites till stiff, but not dry.
35: READ: Add sugar gradually, beating constantly.
40: READ: Add vanilla OR lemon juice.
45: READ: Drop by large spoonfuls onto white paper placed on a damp board.
50: READ: Bake slowly till firm and delicately browned.
55: READ: Remove from paper, invert, and put in
the back of the oven to dry.
60: READ: Baking time 1 hour Temperature 300

65: REM: Makes 12

70: TYPE: OR :

75: READ: Pile lightly on top of the filling in baked pie shell.
80: READ: Bake in slow oven (325) 15 minutes or till firm and lightly browned.




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