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00:REM: IN Cider #2

by Susan Sackett

10: 1 gallon sweet cider
20: 6 sticks cinnamon, broken in inch pieces
30: 1 tablespoon whole cloves
40: 1 tablespoon whole allspice
50: 2 pieces whole mace
60: 3 cups brown sugar
70: 2 1/2 cups caned, spiced crab apples

75: READ: Put cider in kettle
80: READ: Add cinnamon
85: READ: Tie the other spices in a cheesecloth bag and drop IN CIDER
90: READ: Stir in sugar
95: READ: Heat slowly and simmer 20 minutes
100: READ: Add apples 5 minutes before serving
105: READ: Remove spice bag before serving

110: REM: Serve hot with an apple in each cup
115: REM: Makes 3 1/2 quarts



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